Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Woolgatherers on the Palouse

I belong to this neat group of folks who spin, knit, weave, dye and have all sots of fun with fiber, on and off animals! They all live around the Palouse area of Moscow, ID. Check out the Woolgatherer's website
The website is fairly new, so stop back again, and if you live in our area, come to a meeting. We love new folks!

At our last meeting, we decided that we needed to do something to contribute to our community. After many suggestions, we decided that we would knit baby caps and blankets. And at least four of us have started!

So what size is a baby cap?? We heard that we should knit them to fit a grapefruit!

Many of the pattern books I had for babies had the "old, traditional" baby hats with ribbons around the neck. Nah! We're going to make caps more interesting than that, and we're not going to stick to the pink and blue--no gender identification for us!

I did find some nice patterns in some of the magazines I had around. One was topped with an i-cord that you tied and it looks pretty cute. I'll have to remember to take some pictures.

One of the problems that we forsaw was that these caps will have to be easily washed and dried! So many of us knit with mohair and alpaca and wools and other natural fiber blends, that we'll have to dig deep into our stashes to find the appropriate yarns for these caps--that, and visit Goodwill, perhaps! But it will be fun.

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